bob young

Bob Young

BLU Champion

Bob is a co-founder of Ascend Talent Strategies, Inc located in Milwaukee, WI. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Hope College, and a doctoral degree in Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. He served as an active-duty Air Force psychologist before moving to Milwaukee to become a consulting business psychologist. For over twenty-five years, Bob has delivered leadership, team, and organizational assessment and development services. He also assists private equity firms and client organizations with M&A due diligence and integration. Bob has a special interest in assisting family owned and operated businesses with generational transitions, succession planning, and growing their family legacy.

Bob and Shannon have married for more than 30 years and have one daughter, as well as one grandson. They live in Elkhorn, WI and besides spending every possible minute with their new grandson, they enjoy traveling throughout the US and abroad. Bob is also passionate about hunting and shooting sports, motorcycling, and participating in various youth ministries at his church.  Bob also serves on the Board of Directors at City on a Hill in Milwaukee’s inner city, a ministry whose focus is on transforming cities and families by restoring hope, quality of life, and advancing justice.

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