Connect With Us
Our dedicated team of BLU Champions, staff, and ambassadors all contribute their expertise to ensure the success of entrepreneurs and high-performing teams around the world. You can learn about our team, individual specialties and how to connect with anyone below.
Alexander Mazurek
Digital Media/AI Specialist
Andy Oliver
BLU Champion
Bob Young
BLU Champion
Cynthia Apfelbach
Accounting and Finance
DeShaun Robinson
BLU Champion
Hazan Gunay
BLU Champion (Germany)
Jerry Jendusa
People & Process Champion
Jim Harasha
Operations Leader & Lead Investor
Karla Mattson
Freelance Graphic Designer
Marie Mansheim
BLU Champion
Michelle Gutzmer
BLU Champion
Morgan Plagenz
Executive Administrator
Nathan Jendusa
Business Development Leader
Pat Connaughton
BLU Ambassador
Pat McIntrye
BLU Ambassador
Paul Schulls
BLU Champion
Renan Pires
BLU Champion (Canada)
Rick Witte
BLU Champion
Rose Meagher
BLU Champion / Program Director & Facilitator
Sydney Braun
Marketing Coordinator
Udaya Silva
Managing Director Europe BLU Champion (Turkey)
Tom Thibodeau
BLU Ambassador
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