Nothing Happens

Unless First a Dream

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Transformational Leadership Development

Keep it real: Successful people are successful for a reason. World Class athletes, highly successful entrepreneurs, business owners and transformational leaders all have the “It” Factor



Want to get better every day

























Risk takers




Open to learning




Makes tough decisions


Effectively communication


Ability to inspire and motivate (& motivated by detractors)


Open to tackle real issues


Make other people around them better

Sports and business provide a platform and bring out people’s competitive natures. When that platform is lost, taken away, or even given away by choice, it only a matter of time before it’s wanted back. Leaders who want to grow something bigger than themselves need to incorporate a high-performing team to accomplish it.

Transformational Leadership Development

Finite Game vs. Infinite Game

transformational leadership training

Finite Game

A finite game is an individual’s career, company or team and the journey of growing with it.

The self-identity of the high performer is associated with the business or game they play during their finite game. However, eventually the finite game comes to an end. This “tipping point” could come from an injury, retirement, selling a company, or exiting a company.

Money is a by-product of success and business. Players and entrepreneurs play for the love-of-the-game.

Infinite Game

The infinite game is your life and your identity outside of the office or on the court.  It’s your life.

At BLU we strive to help with the vertical in your portfolio companies

The more successful you are, the more help you need. We want to help these highly successful people establish or expand upon their legacy plan and help them continuously live out their purpose with the flexibility they deserve.

The BLU GROWTHPATH™ operating system helps with this and helps them bridge the gap between their finite game and infinite game with a certified BLU Champion. They work with you in a safe and confidential  manner to help you achieve your dreams.

transformational leadership coaching
Business Coaching Vision
business coaching trust
business coaching yearly celebration
Contact Us for Discovery
organizational clarity blitz
one on one reflection
real issues in business
sports management


Nothing happens unless first a dream. Without setting major goals, that some may feel are unachievable, you won’t get the big results that come from those dreams.

sports management


Nothing happens unless first a dream. Without setting major goals, that some may feel are unachievable, you won’t get the big results that come from those dreams.


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Donec ultricies lobortis eros, nec auctor nisl semper ultricies. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor, sed vulputate sapien efficitur ut. Etiam tincidunt ligula ut hendrerit semper. Quisque luctus lectus non turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet, pharetra non ex. Aliquam ornare nunc nibh, sit amet porta diam pretium in.